Theme: SIM
Icebreaker Balls challenge: In groups: 5 minutes to prep and to play!
What makes up a mobile phone: Ask everyone to take out their SIM.
Circuit Board: S
Cell phone Speakers : I
Prizes and quiz: M
S: Jeremiah and the state of Judah and Jerusalem. Pagan worship: his situation
He was wired correctly, circuit board was in place.
I: He came from a levite priestly background but accepted God's call to be a crazy prophet. God takes the initiative he positions you. No matter how small or significant it may seem it can have powerful capabilities.
M: from the first mobile phone to where we are today...hey we have travelled hey! movement happenned. Jeremiah went through a few kings, rulers the temple and jerusalem was destroyed rebuild and gain and again!!!! throughout he moving things changed. But the one thing that remained constant was God at the centre.
What situation do you find yourself in?
Is God taking inititative in your life?
As you move, is God the Constant force in your life?
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