Photo Descriptions:
Pretty Girls!
Whole Camp Photo
Teacher's having fun
Great group time
Group time
Ice breaker in da pool
Lauren our work crew Queen
Two campers lights out!
Jean our Director
Lindsay's Crazy group!
popcorn in a can
Byron's group
My Family with Penguins on holiday in Betty's Bay

Wow! I have been so blessed to know that behind every chance God allows you to have He's got greater things in store for us. Jeremiah 33 has been so potent to me.The promise of restoration is prophecied to Judah despite the dirt they found themselves in. As long as God is around light will always break through pestilence famine and pitch black situations. So no matter how small Jeremiah was in that situation he became the Greatest prophet of all time.
Little prophets and declarers of God's Word.My volunteers finished a last camp with me and 80 Grade 6 learners from Factreton, Wingfield and WD Henricks primary schools. The camp was from the 6-9th of December 2010 at the Crysilas Academy. Kids played jumped screamed nd were pampered. We had 17 leaders who all walked a special journey with da kids. The highlight was the boys nd girls night out activities. We took the boys on a night hike in the forest nd soon da bonds btw leaders nd campers came out. We ended up at the bundu camp with a huge fire. Leaders sharing their testimonies great songs Holy Spirit in da mountain nd about 40 teens making commitments to accept Jesus. Again! It might look small but in and btw those boys are pastors missionaries nd great businessmen! Never eva can we say what we do for God is small CAUSE Jeremiah 33:3 says He has great nd awesome and hidden treasures in store for us which we have not yet seen. AWESOMENESS!
Back to my little prophets: Marc Krastin who directed this camp and has really done well allround is now at BI Bible School. A pastor in the making. Zach Castle is back in Colorado Denver in the US of A and I am waiting to hear the Great things in church and theological studies God is doing in his life. Cleodine Brown is working for a sports NGO who receives funding from the world organising body for soccer FIFA! And my singing buddy Jean Marcel Alexander is back volunteering nd is planning to do a children's mission with Zach in USA in June 2011! So in deed small opportunities turn into mega ones if God is @ da centre!
This year I am going to work smarter. I am putting together a team who will do life skills camps nd holiday clubs in Factreton nd Kensington. We will have regular meetings Mondays @ 3pm so please pray with us! Then I am needing a lot of prayer as I am going to build networks with all youth pastors in Bothasig to revive our biggest holiday club!
@ church I'm doing well just having been liscenced as a pastor and serving as youth pastor in Factreton Church of the Nazarene. I'm building our sunday school nd youth ministries.
Home is where da heart is nd my girls are well nd give me a lot of joy. My little one year old is da best cause no matter if she is sick or whateva she always has a HUGE smile.
My wife is very committed to my church and SU work. She has really grown in loving God more and praise nd worship is her thing.She think she can sing! (Jokes) She really loses herself into worship.
Thanks for ur financial support and yes if you want to invest more do not hold back cause out of da small donation u don't know what great nd awesome reaping awaits you. To increase or to start pouring into my ministry @ SU contact Mr. Tony Nzanzah 021 686 8595 or
Much love nd remember neva underestimate small opportunities!
Sedrico Husselman
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