2010. Did we make fisher’s of men.
2010 has been a great time for us here at Scripture Union Western Cape. During the electrifying moments our country experienced this last June/July we saw God touch thousands of lives through our camps and massive Holiday Club Season. We experienced God’s provision and thousands of kids were fed both physically and spiritually.
40 000 children and teens were reached during the Holiday Club Season and children’s ministry in many churches were transformed. One such church is The Church of the Nazarene Factreton where a deep desire to reach unchurch kids are being realised with a children’s ministry team consisting of leaders who came out of the holiday club in that community.
Immediately after this we realised a need to do solid further training with leaders so we can build a stronger leadership force for Scripture Union Western Cape going into the future. September Leadership at Camp Faraway gave the whole staff an opportunity to work together on one project. This camp was not just good for staff dynamics but also gave us a wakeup call on the state of young Christian Leaders within the body of Christ.
This is a huge gap and the way to be proactive about filling this space is to get back to the basics. We are looking forward to ignite the schools we work in with not just Life Skills but with our ultimate reason to introduce young South Africans to Jesus, the Bible and the Church. We want to put evangelism first!
So the first stop in reaching our children and teens is through their families. We have been privileged to pilot the Families Matter Program (FMP) on behalf of SU National. We building the language of parents so they can be relevant in teaching values to their young ones!
Many of you reading this letter have been touched (as young ones) by this ministry over the years. We just heard recently of a woman who wrote to us to say thank you that she could have given her life to Christ in 1949 on a SU Camp. We are blessed as a ministry to have such a deep footprint and we know you can assist us to reach even more children with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For (electronic donations) eft and bank deposits:
Bank Account Details: Scripture Union Western Cape, Bank: Standard Bank
Branch : Rondebosch, Code : 025009, Acc No : 071 401 253
You can also post a cheque as a donation:
14 Park Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Yours in Him
Xolile Kosi,
Regional Director, Tel : 021 689 8331, Cell: 076 706 8021,
Email: xolile@su.org.za,
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